- Monday: Reviewed our Cells topic with a few worksheets and discussed our quiz (Thursday)
- Tuesday: Began our DNA topic and did a few activities relating to structure: Colouring and Qs, recreating a DNA double helix on paper (cut and paste), and we did notes on DNA Replication
- Thursday: Cells Quiz (I did really well, 10/10), DNA Replication review/colouring and qs, introduced to Recombinant DNA: watched videos, completed an activity modelling the process of incorporating insulin genes into a bacterial plasmid in order to produce insulin (did not go so well for me), started colouring and qs for this topic
- Friday: Did some really interesting stuff with Stitch on our I PADS to recreate DNA and RNA structure (on blog) and also briefly looked at a comparison between DNA and RNA, discussed Unit Test and Study Notes-->THURSDAY
-A Short week coming up: :) Monday-Wednesday no school, [Thursday is our Unit Test]
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