Wednesday, 7 March 2012


Cellular Interrelationships

  • Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration: A Vice-versa style relationship
    • Photosynthesis uses energy to create glucose but Cellular Respiration uses glucose to create ATP energy: PHOTOSYNTHESIS works as such that the products of cellular respiration (CO2, energy, H2O) are the reactants and its products (C6H12O6, O2) are the reactants of CELLULAR RESPIRATION
  • Endocytosis/Intracellular Digestion: Phagocytosis or Pinocytosis occurs with the cell membrane ingesting a molecule, digestive vacuoles store/engulf the molecule and fuse with a lysosome coming from the golgi complex, special digestive enzymes within the lysosome, created from a ribosome, attached to the rough ER and transformed into a lysosome at the golgi complex help break down the molecule leaving residual material to be stored in the vacuole or reaching the cytoplasm. The cell can now use the broken down molecule for several processes and the residual material in the vacuole will eventually undergo exocytosis and secretion.
  • Protein Synthesis and Exocytosis: 
  1. DNA found within the nucleus controls what protein and enzyme will be made (controls what happens)
  2. mRNA copies the DNA code and acts as a "messenger" to tell the ribosome to make the desired protein  
  3. After reading the amino acid codons from the mRNA, the ribosome creates the protein
  4. A vesicle forms from the smooth ER and transports the protein to the golgi complex
  5. The vesicle fuses with the golgi complex, where modification and packaging of the protein occurs
  6. A secretory vesicle forms from the golgi complex and transports the protein to the cellular membrane where the contents are released out of the cell (EXOCYTOSIS)
Here is a strong video over viewing some of the major interrelationship between cell organelles:

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