Saturday 26 May 2012

BIO 12 UNIT 3: Study Notes


  • Secretes mucous (protection)
  • Organs secrete products into LUMEN of small intestine (gall bladder--> bile (fat emulsification/movement in blood stream), pancreas--> bicarbonate (buffer to counteract stomach acid), pancreas--> amylase (carbohydrate break down), pancreas--> lipase (break down of fats)) 
  • Specialized anatomical structure of each part of small intestine= absorbs different things at different parts (i.e. amino acids and fructose)
  • Active and Passive transport of nutrients (dependent on what it is, specialized structures, etc.)
  • Microvilli composition of small intestine increases surface area and rate of absorption of monomers (lacteal and capillaries)
  • Epithelial cells is where absorption occurs
Here is a brief video talking about digestion and absorption in the small intestine:

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