Thursday, 26 April 2012

BIO 12 UNIT 2: Study Notes


  • Transcription:

    • Occurs in nucleus of eukaryotic cells
    • Definition:
      Making a mRNA from a DNA template
    • STEP 1-
      DNA Helicase unzips and unwinds a double-helix DNA molecule
    • STEP 2-
      RNA Polymerase aids in matching RNA nucleotides to the DNA template strand (only one of the two DNA strands) [COMPLIMENTARY BASE PAIRING]
    • STEP 3-
      Completed mRNA strand leaves the nucleus and goes to the ribosome (also, DNA is rewound)

  • Translation:

    • Occurs at the ribosome of eukaryotic cells
    • Definition: Production of a protein
    • STEP 1- mRNA attaches to the ribosome (this is the strand from the aforementioned process of Transcription) [INITIATION]
    • STEP 2- tRNA: an amino acid head and anti-codon tail that complimentary pairs to a specific codon of the mRNA strand (3 a.a. group) that results in the release of its specific amino acid head (coded for via base pairing between anti-codon and mRNA codon); only two tRNA molecules are at the ribosome releasing their amino acids at one time 
    • STEP 3- Peptide bonds form between each pair of amino acids 
    • STEP 4- mRNA shifting along the ribosome similar to a conveyor belt in that two tRNA arrive, release the amino acid and than move away to allow a new tRNA to come and release its amino acid head and so on this process occurs at an extremely quick pace [ELONGATION]
    • STEP 5- Emptied tRNA molecules (i.e. no amino acid head) leave the ribosome after releasing an amino acid (their job is done)
    • STEP 6- The completed long strand of amino acid monomers joined together to form a protein designated for a very specific role in the cell relating to a chemical reaction (enzymes); [TERMINATION] occurs which basically breaks apart the ribosome and allows the protein to exit and go where it needs to go to complete its function in the cell 

    Here is a video explaining Protein Synthesis...

    but really who needs that when I made my very own SHOW ME video (link on blog) ;)

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